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todos os equipamentos de Final Fantasy XII Zodiac Age
ou veja abaixo.
(Pode ser usado por personagens com armas de uma mão: Foebreaker, Knight, Red Battlemage, Shikari e, se equipado com o Gengi, também pelo Bushi).
Leather Shield
Evasão: 7
Valor: 300
Licensa: Shields 1
Shop: Rabanastre / Giza Plains – The Dry / Nalbina Fortress / Barheim Passage
Tesouro: Dalmasca Westersand (Shimmering Horizons)
Drop: Dire Rat (1%)
Evasão: 9
Metal: 1
Valor: 500
Licensa: Shields 2
Shop: Rabanastre / Barheim Passage
Tesouro: Barheim Passage (Op Sector 36, Op Sector 37)
Drop: Zombie (Barheim Passage, Tomb of Raithwall – 1%)
Bazaar: Gilt Shield
Inicial: Ashe and Reks
Bronze Shield
Evasão: 11
Metal: 1
Valor: 800
Licensa: Shields 2
Shop: Rabanastre / Bhujerba / Dreadnought Leviathan
Round Shield
Evasão: 13
Metal: 1
Valor: 1600
Licensa: Shields 2
Shop: Rabanastre / Bhujerba / Dalmasca Westersand / Dreadnought Leviathan / Nam-Yensa Sandsea / Tomb of Raithwall / Balfonheim Port
Tesouro: Ogir-Yensa Sandsea (Platform 1 – Refinery, Central Junction) / Phon Coast (The Vaddu Strand)
Steal: Ba’Gamnan (First encounter – 3%)
Shell Shield
Evasão: 5
Metal: 2
Valor: 10000
Licensa: Shell Shield
Special Properties: Equip: Shell
Tesouro: Stillshrine of Miriam (Cold Distance) / Cerobi Steppe (The Northsward)
Caçada: A Scream from the Sky (Wyvern Lord)
Golden Shield
Evasão: 15
Valor: 2000
Licensa: Shields 3
Shop: Rabanastre / Nam-Yensa Sandsea / Tomb of Raithwall / Jahara / Balfonheim Port
Tesouro: Ozmone Plain (Dagan Flats)
Drop: Skull Warrior (1%)
Bazaar: Golden Garb
Ice Shield
Evasão: 15
Elemento: 50%: Ice
Valor: 2500
Licensa: Shields 3
Shop: Jahara / Mt Bur-Omisace
Tesouro: Tomb of Raithwall (Southfall Passage) / Paramina Rift (Karydine Glacier) / Stilshrine of Miriam (Walk of Mind)
Drop: Redmaw (Henne Mines – 1%) / Redmaw (Stillshrine of Miriam – 3%)
Bazaar: Burnished Protectives
Flame Shield
Evasão: 15
Elemento: 50%: Fire
Valor: 3200
Licensa: Shields 3
Shop: Eruyt Village / Mt Bur-Omisace
Tesouro: Henne Mines (Crossover A) / Paramina Rift (Head of the Silverflow)
Steal: Ixtab (3%)
Diamond Shield
Evasão: 18
Valor: 3900
Licensa: Shields 4
Shop: Mt Bur-Omisace
Tesouro: Barheim Passage (Special Op Sector 5) / Paramina Rift (Icebound Flow)
Drop: Ichthon (Dalmasca Estersand – 3%)
Platinum Shield
Evasão: 20
Valor: 4750
Licensa: Shields 4
Shop: Mt Bur-Omisace / Mosphoran Highwaste
Tesouro: Paramina Rift (Silverflow’s End) / Tchita Uplands (Oliphzak Rise)
Bazaar: Platinum Gear
Caçada: Trouble in the Hills (Atomos)
Dragon Shield
Evasão: 23
Elemento: Imune: Earth
Valor: 6600
Licensa: Shields 4
Shop: Mosphoran Highwaste / Phon Coast
Tesouro: Dalmasca Estersand (Broken Sands) / Mosphoran Highwaste (Northern Skirts) / Phon Coast (The Hakawea Shore) / Tchita Uplands (Sundered Earth)
Crystal Shield
Evasão: 25
Evasão Mágica: 10
Valor: 6360
Licensa: Shields 5
Shop: Phon Coast / Archades
Tesouro: Phon Coast (Cape Tialan) / Tchita Uplands (Sundered Earth)
Genji Shield
Evasão: 30
Evasão Mágica: 5
Metal: 2
Licensa: Genji Armor
Steal: Gilgamesh (First encounter – after switching weapons twice – 10%)
Kaiser Shield
Evasão: 27
Metal: 2
Valor: 7000
Licensa: Shields 5
Shop: Balfonheim Port
Tesouro: Feywood (Terminus No. 7 Adjunct) / Cerobi Steppe (North Liavell Hills)
Steal: Forbidden (3%)
Aegis Shield
Evasão: 13
Evasão Mágica: 50
Metal: 2
Valor: 9600
Licensa: Shields 6
Tesouro: Cerobi Steppe (Crossfield) / Giruvegan (The Aadha Water-Steps)
Drop: Pandora (1%)
Steal: Pandora (Lhusu Mines – 3%)
Caçada: Get My Stuff Back! (Vyraal)
Sidequest: Caçada Club
Demon Shield
Evasão: 40
Elemento: Absorve: Dark
Metal: 2
Valor: 10100
Licensa: Shields 6
Tesouro: Cerobi Steppe (Crossfield) / Pharos – First Ascent (Wellspring Ravel – 1st Flight)
Drop: Abysteel (Henne Mines – 1%)
Steal: Abysteel (Lhusu Mines, Sochen Cave Palace – 3%)
Bazaar: Forbidding Shield
Caçada: The Child Snatcher (Diabolos)
Venetian Shield
Evasão: 25
Evasão Mágica: 25
Elemento: Fraq.: Lightning
Valor: -13800
Licensa: Shields 7
Tesouro: Cerobi Steppe (The Northsward)
Bazaar: Brilliant Shield
Zodiac Escutcheon
Evasão: 75
Evasão Mágica: 45
Elemento: Imune: Lightning
Metal: 2
Valor: -40000
Licensa: Zodiac Escutcheon
Tesouro: Sochen Cave Palace (Hall of the Wroth God)
Sidequest: Caçada Club
Ensanguined Shield
Evasão: 90
Licensa: Ensanguined Shield
Special Properties: Equip: Poison, Sap, and Slow
Tesouro: Necrohol of Nabudis (Cloister of the Highborn)
Sidequest: Caçada Club
Evasão: 90
Evasão Mágica: 90
Elemento: Absorve: All
Metal: 1
Tesouro: Great Crystal (Crystal Peak)
(Pode ser usado por Archer, Machinist, Monk e Shikari)
Leather Cap
Defesa Mágica: 4
HP: 10
Valor: 100
Licença: Light 1
Shop: Rabanastre / Nalbina Fortress
Inicial: Vaan and Reks
Defesa Mágica: 5
HP: 20
Valor: 200
Licença: Light 2
Shop: Rabanastre / Giza Plains – The Dry / Nalbina Fortress / Barheim Passage
Tesouro: Nalbina Dungeons (The Black Watch)
Poach: Giza Rabbit (3%)
Inicial: Balthier and Fran
Defesa Mágica: 6
HP: 30
Valor: 300
Licença: Light 2
Shop: Rabanastre / Nalbina Fortress / Barheim Passage
Tesouro: Barheim Passage (Special Op Sector 3)
Drop: Urstrix (1%)
Caçada: Wolf in the Waste (Thextera)
Leather Headgear
Defesa Mágica: 8
HP: 40
Valor: 500
Licença: Light 3
Shop: Rabanastre / Bhujerba / Dreadnought Leviathan
Tesouro: Lhusu Mines (Transitway 1)
Drop: Tiny Mimic (3%) / Tiny Bug (3%)
Bazaar: Assorted Leathers
Horned Hat
Defesa Mágica: 10
HP: 50
Valor: 700
Licença: Light 3
Shop: Rabanastre / Bhujerba / Dreadnought Leviathan
Drop: Suriander (1%)
Defesa Mágica: 12
HP: 90
Força de Ataque: 1
Valor: 1000
Licença: Light 4
Shop: Rabanastre / Bhujerba / Nam-Yensa Sandsea / Tomb of Raithwall / Balfonheim Port
Tesouro: Nam-Yensa Sandsea (Demesne of the Sandqueen)
Caçada: Marauder in the Mines (Nidhogg)
Soldier’s Cap
Defesa Mágica: 14
HP: 110
Valor: 1400
Licença: Light 4
Shop: Rabanastre / Nam-Yensa Sandsea / Tomb of Raithwall / Balfonheim Port
Tesouro: Ogir-Yensa Sandsea (Central Junction) / Nam-Yensa Sandsea (Simoon Bluff) / Tomb of Raithwall(Northfall Passage) / Phon Coast (The Vaddu Strand)
Steal: Great Tortoise (3%) / Adamantitan (Barheim Passage – 3%)
Green Beret
Defesa Mágica: 16
HP: 130
Velocidade: 3
Valor: 1900
Licença: Light 5
Shop: Jahara / Mt Bur-Omisace
Tesouro: Giza Plains – The Rains (Warrior’s Wash) / Ozmone Plain (The Shred)
Drop: Hyena (Giza Plains – The Rains – 3%)
Red Cap
Defesa Mágica: 19
HP: 150
Vitalidade: 3
Valor: 2500
Licença: Light 5
Shop: Eruyt Village / Mt Bur-Omisace
Tesouro: Golmore Jungle (The Needlebrake) / Paramina Rift (Na direção de Silverflow)
Drop: Hellhound (1%)
Bazaar: Matching Reds
Defesa Mágica: 22
HP: 170
Força de Ataque: 2
Valor: 3200
Licença: Light 6
Shop: Mt Bur-Omisace
Tesouro: Barheim Passage (Special Op Sector 5) / Paramina Rift (Icebound Flow)
Steal: Slaven Warder (3%)
Bazaar: Monk’s Garb
Pirate Hat
Defesa Mágica: 25
HP: 230
Valor: 4000
Licença: Light 6
Shop: Mt Bur-Omisace / Mosphoran Highwaste
Steal: Facer (3%)
Goggle Mask
Defesa Mágica: 28
HP: 270
Valor: 4900
Licença: Light 7
Special Properties: Equip: Blind
Shop: Mosphoran Highwaste / Phon Coast
Tesouro: Tchita Uplands (Uazcuff Hills)
Drop: Dragon Aevis (1%)
Adamant Hat
Defesa Mágica: 31
HP: 310
Elemento: 50%: Fire -Fraq.: Ice
Valor: 5900
Licença: Light 7
Shop: Phon Coast / Archades
Tesouro: Salikawood (Piebald Path) / Phon Coast (The Mauleia Strand) / Tchita Uplands (Realm of the Elder Dream)
Steal: Malboro Overking (Tchita Uplands – 3%)
Bazaar: Light & Sturdy Garb
Officer’s Hat
Defesa Mágica: 34
HP: 350
Velocidade: 3
Valor: 7000
Licença: Light 8
Shop: Archades / Balfonheim Port
Tesouro: Tchita Uplands (Realm of the Elder Dream)
Drop: Silicon Tortoise (Zertinan Caverns – 1%)
Steal: Silicon Tortoise (Giza Plains – The Rains – 3%)
Chakra Band
Defesa Mágica: 37
HP: 390
Força de Ataque: 2
Valor: 8100
Licença: Light 8
Shop: Balfonheim Port
Tesouro: Feywood (Ice Field of Clearsight) / Necrohol of Nabudis (Hall of Effulgent Light)
Bazaar: Emboldening Arms
Thief’s Cap
Defesa Mágica: 40
HP: 460
Velocidade: 4
Valor: -9300
Licença: Light 9
Tesouro: Cerobi Steppe (Old Elanise Road) / Great Crystal (Kabonii Jilaam Avaa)
Gigas Hat
Defesa Mágica: 43
HP: 530
Força Mágica: 2
Valor: 10700
Licença: Light 9
Shop: Balfonheim Port
Tesouro: Ridorana Cataract (Echoes from Time’s Garden)
Steal: Dead Bones (Barheim Passage – 3%) / Killer Mantis (3%)
Bazaar: Gigas Gear
Defesa Mágica: 46
HP: 600
Valor: -12400
Licença: Light 10
Tesouro: Cerobi Steppe (Crossfield) / Pharos – First Ascent (Wellspring Ravel – 2nd Flight)
Steal: Cassie (3%)
Crown of Laurels
Defesa Mágica: 49
HP: 680
Valor: -14500
Licença: Light 11
Tesouro: Cerobi Steppe (Old Elanise Road) / Great Crystal (Sirhru Phullam Udiipratii)
Drop: Crusader (3%)
Bazaar: Nature’s Armory
Renewing Morion
Defesa Mágica: 52
HP: 370
Vitalidade: 4
Valor: -16000
Licença: Light 12
Special Properties: Equip: Regen
Tesouro: Lhusu Mines (Site 11) / Cerobi Steppe (Crossfield)
Drop: Nightwalker (3%)
Dueling Mask
Defesa Mágica: 55
HP: 800
Força de Ataque: 2
Valor: -20000
Licença: Light 13
Tesouro: Henne Mines (Phase 2 Dig) / Cerobi Steppe (Crossfield)
Sidequest: Caçada Club
(Pode ser usado por Archer, Machinist, Monk e Shikari)
Leather Clothing
Defesa: 4
HP: 10
Valor: 100
Licença: Light 1
Shop: Rabanastre / Nalbina Fortress
Inicial: Vaan and Reks
Chromed Leathers
Defesa: 5
HP: 20
Valor: 200
Licença: Light 2
Shop: Rabanastre / Giza Plains – The Dry / Nalbina Fortress / Barheim Passage
Tesouro: Garamsythe Waterway (No. 11 Channel (Flooded))
Poach: Cockatrice (5%)
Bazaar: Unassuming Surcoat
Inicial: Balthier and Fran
Leather Breastplate
Defesa: 6
HP: 30
Valor: 300
Licença: Light 2
Shop: Rabanastre / Nalbina Fortress / Barheim Passage
Tesouro: Garamsythe Waterway (East Waterway Control)
Steal: Wildsnake (3%)
Bazaar: Assorted Leathers
Bronze Chestplate
Defesa: 8
HP: 40
Valor: 500
Licença: Light 3
Shop: Rabanastre / Nalbina Fortress / Bhujerba / Dreadnought Leviathan
Steal: Skeleton (Lhusu Mines – 3%) / Skull Defender (Barheim Passage – 3%)
Defesa: 10
HP: 50
Força de Ataque: 1
Valor: 700
Licença: Light Armor 3
Shop: Rabanastre / Bhujerba / Dreadnought Leviathan
Tesouro: Dreadnought Leviathan (Large Freight Stores)
Defesa: 12
HP: 100
Elemento: 50%: Wind
Valor: 1000
Licença: Light 4
Shop: Rabanastre / Bhujerba / Dalmasca Westersand / Nam-Yensa Sandsea / Tomb of Raithwall / Balfonheim Port
Tesouro: Ogir-Yensa Sandsea (Platform 1 – Refinery)
Heavy Coat
Defesa: 14
HP: 120
Valor: 1400
Licença: Light 4
Shop: Rabanastre / Nam-Yensa Sandsea / Tomb of Raithwall / Jahara / Balfonheim Port
Tesouro: Nam-Yensa Sandsea (Simoon Bluff) / Tomb of Raithwall (Southfall Passage)
Steal: Zaghnal (3%)
Survival Vest
Defesa: 17
HP: 140
Vitalidade: 5
Valor: 1900
Licença: Light 5
Shop: Jahara / Mt Bur-Omisace
Tesouro: Giza Plains (Tracks of the Beast)
Steal: Iguion (3%)
Caçada: The Cry of Its Power (Rocktoise)
Defesa: 20
HP: 160
Valor: 2500
Licença: Light 5
Shop: Eruyt Village / Mt Bur-Omisace
Tesouro: Henne Mines (Phase 1 Dig) / Paramina Rift (Freezing Gorge) / Tchita Uplands (Oliphzak Rise)
Poach: Diresaur (5%)
Bazaar: Matching Reds
Jujitsu Gi
Defesa: 23
HP: 180
Força de Ataque: 2
Valor: 3200
Licença: Light 6
Shop: Mt Bur-Omisace
Tesouro: Barheim Passage (East-West Bypass) / Paramina Rift (Icebound Flow)
Steal: Skull Knight (3%)
Bazaar: Monk’s Garb
Viking Coat
Defesa: 27
HP: 240
Elemento: Imune: Water
Valor: 4000
Licença: Light 6
Shop: Mt Bur-Omisace / Mosphoran Highwaste
Tesouro: Dalmasca Estersand (Broken Sands) / Phon Coast (Cape Tialan)
Poach: Blood Gigas (Stillshrine of Miriam – 5%)
Metal Jerkin
Defesa: 31
HP: 280
Valor: 4900
Licença: Light 7
Shop: Mosphoran Highwaste / Phon Coast
Tesouro: Mosphoran Highwaste (Northern Skirts) / Tchita Uplands (The Lost Way)
Steal: Antares (3%)
Adamant Vest
Defesa: 35
HP: 320
Elemento: 50%: Fire
Valor: 5900
Fraq.: Ice